Wednesday 2 March 2016

Flannery O'Connor sobre o Grotesco na Ficção Sulista

Muito bom.

E para ler ali.

In these grotesque works, we find that the writer has made alive some experience which we are not accustomed to observe every day, or which the ordinary man may never experience in his ordinary life. We find that connections which we would expect in the customary kind of realism have been ignored, that there are strange skips and gaps which anyone trying to describe manners and customs would certainly not have left. Yet the characters have an inner coherence, if not always a coherence to their social framework. Their fictional qualities lean away from typical social patterns, toward mystery and the unexpected. It is this kind of realism that I want to consider.

All novelists are fundamentally seekers and describers of the real, but the realism of each novelist will depend on his view of the ultimate reaches of reality.


The direction of many of us will be more toward poetry than toward the traditional novel.

The problem for such a novelist will be to know how far he can distort without destroying, and in order not to destroy, he will have to descend far enough into himself to reach those underground springs that give life to big work. This descent into himself will, at the same time, be a descent into his region. It will be a descent through the darkness of the familiar into a world where, like the blind man cured in the gospels, he sees men its if they were trees, but walking. This is the beginning of vision, and I feel it is a vision which we in the South must at least try to understand if we want to participate in the continuance of a vital Southern literature.

1 comment:

  1. Ao ouvir-mo-la defender a sua escrita, entendemos quase de imediato o propósito das suas obras. Parece que sente uma obrigação em escrever sobre certos temas como por exemplo o da deficiência física ou mental visto que, é sulista e portanto, tem consciência do que é o Homem. Ao conhecer o Homem verdadeiramente consegue reconhecer uma aberração e, deste modo, permite-nos ver essa parte do mundo com outros olhos.
